Wednesday 10 September 2014

Class exercise 2 :D

Posted by Unknown at 22:46

Q: Imagine this room,the window at the back is open. In front of the window there is a table with a vase, in which a fresh rose stands. A painting of flowers hangs on the opposite walls (as in the white board area). A bee flies into the room  through the open window, straight to the painting and not the rose.              Why??

so here's how my imagination flows:

my first thought that comes to my mind is an image of a room.


Next, i imagine an opened window.

As my imagination goes on according to the story given, this image appeared before my eye and i drew it down. An opened window with a short table and a vase with a rose.


so slowly i visualized this scene. A window on one end of the room on the right with a small table in front of it. A vase not taller than the window was placed on top of the table with a rose in it. Next, directly in front of the window but the across the room , a large painting of flowers can be found.

So i was thinking why did the bee when straight for the painting instead of the single rose in the vase? Here's how the bee enters the room. In my wildest imaginations ,i was thinking that maybe, the bee came in at a very fast speed and comes straight to the window. 

It passes the window without noticing the rose and went straight for painting.

So it sees the painting first despite it being fake which the bee gets visually tricked. Supposing the bee should be able to differentiate between real and unreal.  Thus why?


The reason? maybe the pattern is seriously attractive and looks like this:

 or this:


or even this:

Thus it could not resist the temptation to take a look at the picture (thinking that its real ) and pass through the painting. This explains that even bees have curiosity at times like this and could also be deceived.

The second reason that might have lid the bee to avoid the flower would be maybe because the vase only has one rose while the picture has a field of it thus it went off to check the field of roses first. Another reason might be that the rose withered and the bee dislike withered roses while the flowers in the painting looks like its all in full-blossom.

Therefore , the bee approaches the painting as it likes the fresh fields of flowers (roses). However, this are just some of my wild guessing.

While some other even more unrealistic reason might be :
 1: The bee might be having a flu and couldn't differentiate  between what's fresh and what's not or what's real and what's not.
2: Maybe the bee saw a female bee floating right beside the painting thus it ignores the rose and approaches the painting to flirt with female bee. 
     3: Or another ridiculous reason would be that its rival was floating beside the vase of rose or that the rose was already preoccupied by another insect thus the bee avoided the rose and proceed forward .  



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