Tuesday 23 September 2014

Analogical thinking

Posted by Unknown at 02:37

For today:

 so lets start out with:

What is analogical thinking?

  •  what we do when we use information from one domain to help solve a problem in another domain.
  • A form of reasoning between 2 or more things from a known similarity between them in other aspects
  • a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based

example of common analogies

Another example which i found it really interesting and funny.

Similes and metaphors

Similes : A figure of speech that compares two things or persons which are not similar. The "similes" usually begins with "as" or "like"

 Shadow of a hand looking like a wolf

Simile examples that begin with “as”:

  • As American as apple pie
  • As big as an ELEPHANT
  • As black as coal
  • As blind as a BAT
  • As bold as brass
  • As boring as watching PAINT dry  
  • As brave as a lion
  • As bright as a button
  • As busy as a bee
  • As cheap as dirt 
  • As clean as a WHISTLE
  • As clear as mud
  • As clear as crystal
  • As cold as ice
  • As cool as a cucumber
  • As crooked as a dog's hind LEG
  • As cunning as a fox
  • As cute as a bug's ear
  • As dead as a doornail
  • As deaf as a post
  • As difficult as nailing jelly to a tree
  • As dry as a bone
  • As dull as dishwater
  • As easy as ABC
  • As fit as a fiddle
  • As FLAT as a pancake
  • As free as a bird
  • As fresh as a daisy
  • As gentle as a lamb
  • As good as gold
  • As happy as a dog with two tails
  • As hard as nails
  • As heavy as lead
  • As helpless as a BABY
  • As honest as the day is long  
  • As hot as blue blazes
  • As hungry as a bear
  • As innocent as a lamb
  • As large as life
  • As light as a FEATHER
  • As long as a month of Sundays
  • As loose as a goose
  • As mad as a hatter
  • As mad as a hornet
  • As nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of ROCKING CHAIRS
  • As nutty as a fruitcake
  • As old as the hills
  • As pale as death
  • As plain as the nose on your face  
  • As playful as a kitten  
  • As pleased as Punch  
  • As proud as a peacock
  • As quick as lightning
  • As quiet as a church mouse
  • As regular as clockwork  
  • As scarce as hen's TEETH
  • As sharp as a RAZOR
  • As sick as a dog
  • As silent as the grave
  • As slippery as an eel
  • As slow as molasses in January  
  • As sly as a fox
  • As smooth as a BABY'S bottom
  • As snug as a bug in a rug
  • As solid as the ground we stand on
  • As sour as vinegar
  • As steady as a rock
  • As stiff as a board
  • As straight as an arrow
  • As strong as an ox
  • As stubborn as a mule
  • As sturdy as an oak
  • As sweet as pie
  • As tall as a giraffe
  • As thin as a rake
  • As tight as a DRUM
  • As timid as a rabbit
  • As tough as old BOOTS
  • As useless as a CHOCOLATE teapot  
  • As warm as toast
  • As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party
  • As white as snow
  • As wise as an owl

Similes Can Also Start with "Like" 

  • (Sing) like an angel
  • (Act) like an animal
  • (Eat) like a bird
  • (Fight) like cats and dogs
  • (Work) like a dog
  • Like a dream
  • (Soar) like an eagle
  • Like fingernails on a chalkboard
  • Like a fish
  • (Racing) like a frightened rabbit
  • (Have eyes) like a hawk
  • (Eat) like a horse
  • (Sleep) like a log
  • Like a moth to the flame
  • (Eat) like a pig
  • Like a pile of rocks
  • Like a rose
  • Like a screaming BABY
  • Like stars
  • (Meandered) like a stream
  • Like two peas in a POD
  • Like a volcano
metaphors : A figure of speech that says one thing is another different thing.This allows us to use fewer words and forces readers to focus or listeners to find the similarity.   

Metaphor exampleMetaphorical senseOriginal sense
I'm not an angel, but I wouldn't behave like that.exemplary personSPIRITUAL being believed to be a messenger of God
America is amelting POT.place where different peoples, styles and cultures are mixed togethera container in which metals or other materials are melted and mixed
John is a real pigwhen he eats.greedy persona four-legged animal kept for meat (pork)
My father is a rock.very strong or reliable persona hard, mineral material made of stone
How could she marry a snake like that!traitora long, limbless reptile (eg: cobra, python, viper)
The policeman let him off with ayellow card.warning(in soccer) a yellow card that the referee shows to players when cautioning them

Metaphor exampleOriginal sense of the word (example)
The committee shot her ideas down one by one.Anti-aircraft guns shoot down planes.
The PRIVATE DETECTIVE dug upenough evidence to convince the police to act.Dogs like to bury bones and dig them up later.
He broke into her conversation.Burglars break into buildings.
The new movie was very popular. Peopleflocked to see it.Birds flock together before they migrate.
His head was spinning with ideas.Some COMPUTER HARD DRIVES spin at over 10,000 revolutions per minute.
Reading that BOOK kindled my interest in politics.You need to start with twigs and small branches when you kindle a CAMP fire.
Tim lost his job after a heated argument with his boss.We have a heated SWIMMING POOL.
THE NEW CAR'S sexy design increased sales for the company.Some women think that lipstick makes them look sexy.
He was dressed rather vulgarly in a loudchecked suit.I can't hear you because the radio is too loud.
It wasn't long before their relationship turned sour.Sour food has an acid taste like lemon or vinegar.

The difference between similes and metaphors:

Your eyes are like the sun.You are my sunshine.
He eats like a pig.
He lives like a pig.
He is a pig.

 so after all the research I've done for all of the above, back to today's class exercise.Thus i'm thinking for example from everyday tools or stuff that we will come across:

 For example a cup. when you think of a cup , what can you think of ?

The size of the cup: big or small?

Types of cups: modern,traditional ,tea ,coffee etc.

The material used to make the cup: plastic,paper,ceramic,glass,clay etc.

The transformation

So how can it be associated to others things in its surrounding or how can it be recreated into something similar yet different?
Using the idea of cup , how can it be transformed into something more interesting ?

 Instead of just a round surface , adding a teeth mark to this cup gave the audience an idea that somebody have bitten the cup also the surface is no longer smooth and dull but now its rougher and sharper.
 A seriously interesting idea that I've come across. Using the sharp of the cup , the creator turns it into a toilet bowl.  It allows its viewers to feel uneasy and disgusted by the thought of using his creation to drink tea .  As tall as a giraffe? Combining the idea of the giraffe's long neck and the structure of a cup, the neck is turn into the handle,thus looks like the giraffe is bending down.
Fit as a fiddle? A musical element is added which gave a rhythm to the plain white cup design. 

 Danger! A grenade or just a cup? 

 An elephant? Its trunk is used as a cup's handle.  

 Two mini owls ? Or two mini espresso cup?  Cat design cup that can be also be used as measuring tool.

 These are actually sinks for hand wash but using the concept of cup, its now transformed into some more modern and high-class.
 A clock or a cup? It uses the teaspoon as the hand of the clock.
 A tea cup placed upside down? NO. Its a lamp using the concept of cup.

And lastly ,ideas of cups as chairs.

Some other of my ideas :

 Other than the idea of using cup as an example that can demonstrate analogical thinking , i also sketch some other ideas. For example:  A glass with a stray can be turn into a tall ashtray and a bent cigarette.

 A big sofa can be two couples sitting comfortably on a bench.

 A die can also be thought as a box , a table or a square shaped stool. 

That's all. 


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