Sunday 12 October 2014

Force connection

Posted by Unknown at 17:42 0 comments

Today I'm going to talk about force connection . The first excercise is a pair work ,however I did all by myself as usual because nobody paired with me. 


So firstly I will start out with nature VS man-made.

Nature can mean many things from elements to the skies ,animals etc. Anything that mother nature created. While man-made is more straight forward. It's just things made by man or machines.

Tree / car = a car full of tree? Will It be eco-friendly? 

Flower/laptop = they have mac by apple and I have "Flora" . Will it give off nice fragrance? Or maybe it's just for decoration purposes?

Fire/umbrella = an umbrella on fire. Don't know what so good about this as it's either it Burns you or the rain would put it out.

Star/broom= a shining and bright broom. More like a Halloween decoration or tool.

Snail/TV= LCD TV being drag by a snail. Nobody will want a moving TV.

And lastly an extra!  Cat /boots = puss in boots!!  Right?

Next up we have: 

1.metal/sponge= ???!! I don't think you can use it to wash Anything.more of like using as weapon or something?

2.Glass/cotton= a glass of cotton buds maybe? Or a glass with cotton as the base?

3. Floor/bed= tatami! 

it's a floor yet also a bed.


Brick/sofa = heavy, hard and uncomfortable. That sums it up.

Knife/pillow= a giant in the shape of a knife. 

Part 2 of the exercise is individual work ( though it makes no difference for me as I'm doing it alone again)

So there are several objects that you can choose from But I chose candle as I think maybe it's easier to draw and express in different adjective. 

So here we have passionate candle!  A candle giving off strong feeling love. Dreamy.. 

Next we have the sad candle. Overall unhappy, down and gloomy. Even the wax looks like over melting.

Brave candle! Protects other little candles from danger! Hope and strong.

Creative candle.innovative, many ideas candle. Bright. 

Greedy candle. Nothing is simply enough for it. Never satisfy and wants more of everything. Avarice. 

And lastly the hardworking candle. Never give up, does it's job and keeps on trying. More like a student whose constantly studying. 

And that's all.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Haunted by faces!

Posted by Unknown at 02:02 0 comments

For this time's blog , i would go on a "journey " to look for " faces" around my environment and in my daily life.

So this is an example of a face that i have drawn for my 2D work .
Its created using "old english fonts" - typography.
I'm trying to express happiness with the color yellow. 


A Box of cereal. I told My friend whose overseas that I need pictures of "faces" and he showed me this. I find it pretty cute and interesting thus I decided to use this image.  The design of the cereal caught My attention and I feel that the designer successfully advertised his simple box of cereal.

A smiling face! I created it using the caps of a five-sided highlighter and form its eyes and nose into a smiling face.  I use the sofa as the background. looks pretty happy to me.


 This what happens to me sometimes when I have nothing to do.  i would use my nails and make a mark on skin and i beat many have done what i did. So i kind of spotted a mole on my thighs and i decided to create face out of my skin . And , here you have it , a happy "wink" face. 


This was original a poster of a cup ice-cream outside of Wendy's but...
Because this picture was seen and taken on the bus, i couldn't see it properly and mistook it for a scary face. serious!  

 see! I don't know why but i see it as a face . The mouth is the wordings , the eyes is actually the brown and green while the pink background looks like hair to me .


The doors of the mrt station. i was waiting for the train when i sudden notice and felt that if the ordinary doors were taken in a different angle ,maybe it will look like a face. well it kind of look like face to me though. The eyes are the arrows the mouth would the white bottom part?  



fruit play! These images ( above and below) are taken at work! First up : raspberry!
simply open a box of raspberry and you can create face. A smiling raspberry.


This image is created by me and my colleagues . I was actually trying out to create a face with 2 slices of lemon and a slice of orange when one of my colleagues added a 1/3  banana. she suggested that its the "nose" .After that unknowingly , my manager saw what we did and add on that i should add blueberries as the eyes. Then,another of my colleague to also join in the fun by adding straws as the eyebrows. 


So from a try-out , it turns out to be come some sort of  bonding activity. My colleagues feedback that i should bring my homework to work because for they really enjoyed creating this face. And so lastly , someone decided to finish it off with some tooth picks which in the end, the face became the face of a mouse.


Well, this image was created by the chef and was taken last year when they decided to make a Christmas dish for me. The eyes are actually made out of turkeys  , the mouth and nose would be mayonnaise . Its delicious despite the funny display.


Ha-ha. This one would be my handy work. created by me while eating MacDonald with my friend.  i know it looks stupid. This face is made out of ketchup,chilli sauce and a fries.


This image is created by my friend. It kind of looks like the image on the right though.

 this is taken in the school library. 

Sunday 28 September 2014

Analogical thinking -part 2

Posted by Unknown at 22:05 0 comments

 Today would be on ...analogical thinking pair work!!

This time i paired up with Esther and together we came up with some new creations and ideas.we chose to make "pencil' as our object of choice and also our theme as it is recommended.


 So using this image as a guild line , we started out with some sort of sketch depicting on different types of "pencils"

When you talk about pencil, what can you think of?


so here's how we started out. Other than the normal pencil that anyone can think of , other examples of pencil could be :
-mechanical pencil(plastic)
-mechanical pencil(metal)
-make up pencil ( acting as a lipstick or eye liner)
-pen knife( Is also a form of pencil?)
-compasses ( the pencil on the compasses?)

when you think pencils you can also link it with sharpeners ,erasers and also correction tape. well, when you think of sharpeners surely you will think its square in shape but the modern sharpener comes in even circle or oval shape. 

So that's briefly how we begin thinking .


Thus we associated pencil with examples of similes.
In total we came up with more than 20 ideas!

Ideas have wings( metaphor) 

- the pencil has wings!

sleeping like a log 
-The pencil is sleeping like a log.
As straight as an arrow 
-The pencil is now depicted as an arrow flying straight ahead.

 As easy as ABC
-the word itself just says it all

As tall as a giraffe
- I accidentally drew another one( the one below)
-Bending and changing the shape of a pencil to look like a giraffe


As quick as lightning
-The pencil is now the lightning. however I wonder why the cloud is upset about it?


As high as a kite
-  pencil-looking kite 

As hard as a nail or as tough as  
a nail ( unknowingly I repeated the same simile)
- one is a happy hammer with a normal nail 
- while the other( picture below) seems kind of angry.


As busy as a bee 
-Somehow the bee( pencil) looks so happy while its busy.


As fresh as daisies 
-The pencil as a flower stem


Run like the wind
- the pencil is now acting like a human! A sprinter running like the wind.


sweet as honey
- fat and short but cute and sweet like honey ( but its still a pencil)


As strong as an ox
-  a strong pencil  


As solid as rock
- a hard pencil


Flat as pancake
- many pencils place flat 


As slow as snail
-pencil crawling


Free as a bird
- flying bird(pencil ), a free pencil 


As light as air
- a light pencil 


As bright as sunshine
- shining bright like a sun


As thin as a rake.
- A thin pencil

and that's all.


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