Today I'm going to talk about force connection . The first excercise is a pair work ,however I did all by myself as usual because nobody paired with me.
So firstly I will start out with nature VS man-made.
Nature can mean many things from elements to the skies ,animals etc. Anything that mother nature created. While man-made is more straight forward. It's just things made by man or machines.
Tree / car = a car full of tree? Will It be eco-friendly?
Flower/laptop = they have mac by apple and I have "Flora" . Will it give off nice fragrance? Or maybe it's just for decoration purposes?
Fire/umbrella = an umbrella on fire. Don't know what so good about this as it's either it Burns you or the rain would put it out.

Star/broom= a shining and bright broom. More like a Halloween decoration or tool.
Snail/TV= LCD TV being drag by a snail. Nobody will want a moving TV.
And lastly an extra! Cat /boots = puss in boots!! Right?
Next up we have:
1.metal/sponge= ???!! I don't think you can use it to wash Anything.more of like using as weapon or something?
2.Glass/cotton= a glass of cotton buds maybe? Or a glass with cotton as the base?
3. Floor/bed= tatami!
it's a floor yet also a bed.
Brick/sofa = heavy, hard and uncomfortable. That sums it up.
Knife/pillow= a giant in the shape of a knife.
Part 2 of the exercise is individual work ( though it makes no difference for me as I'm doing it alone again)
So there are several objects that you can choose from But I chose candle as I think maybe it's easier to draw and express in different adjective.
So here we have passionate candle! A candle giving off strong feeling love. Dreamy..
Next we have the sad candle. Overall unhappy, down and gloomy. Even the wax looks like over melting.
Brave candle! Protects other little candles from danger! Hope and strong.
Creative candle.innovative, many ideas candle. Bright.
Greedy candle. Nothing is simply enough for it. Never satisfy and wants more of everything. Avarice.
And lastly the hardworking candle. Never give up, does it's job and keeps on trying. More like a student whose constantly studying.
And that's all.
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